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A partially constructed building with large sections of exposed concrete and black coverings over the windows sits amid trees. The ground in front appears unfinished with a dirt path leading to a closed garage door. A yellow electrical cord is visible on the ground, and construction materials are scattered around.
A partially constructed building with large sections of exposed concrete and black coverings over the windows sits amid trees. The ground in front appears unfinished with a dirt path leading to a closed garage door. A yellow electrical cord is visible on the ground, and construction materials are scattered around.


Estamos localizados para atender suas necessidades em reformas e construção civil com qualidade e eficiência em sua região.


Seg a Sex

Rua Doutor Azevedo Sodre 242

Cep: 04937-080

Vila Bom Jardim-SP
Das 09:00 ás 18:00 hs